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Our Turnkey Virtual Assistantship Program (Turnkey-VAP) provides us with a system to help driven individuals who are eager and driven to become competent virtual assistants in the gig economy in order to earn reasonably decent income on a gig-by-gig (or case-by-case) basis. 

Step#1: Click Here to Submit Your top Skills for Gig Evaluation

Step#2: While awaiting our skills evaluation Submit your resume to RECRUIT@RAPIDGIGSPLUS.COM.Then wait to get an answer from us as to determine whether you are ready to become one of our assistants OR require additional training.


Step#3: Should you get admitted into our program, you will get referred  to a plethora of gig/job opportunities including that of working with Multi-Service Members (MSBs) from our own Multiservice Business Network. Visit our WEB SITE at

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